ABOUT Héctor Tascón

Héctor Tascón, born in Cali, Colombia has focused his work on the study of percussion and on the traditional music of the South Pacific region of Colombia. The marimbas, currulao rhythm, traditional Colombian legends, and Afro-Colombian dances are at the center of his interests as an artist and researcher. He has won first place in several competitions including best marimba de chonta player in the 2023 International Music Festival Petronio Álvarez, the Mono Núñez Festival, and the Filarmónica del Valle competition.
Héctor has conducted traditional south pacific Colombian music field research in Buenaventura, El charco, Tumaco, Guapi, and López de Micay. He has written several method books including: “A Marimbear: oío method to play the marimba de chonta”, “Qué te pasa’ vo”, and “Colombia music for symphonic marimba.” Currently, Héctor serves as chair of percussion at the Conservatorio Antonio María Valencia.

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