PAS has a strict Sound Policy during the convention. Please be considerate of others and adhere to the following rules:
- Instruments and sound equipment will not be played for more than 20 seconds continuously.
- Volume level for all instruments and equipment must be moderate (mf) or lower.
- There is to be NO instrument playing in the Demonstration Hall for the first 15 minutes of every hour (e.g., 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM).
Failure to adhere strictly to this policy will result in the following:
- 1st Offense: Warning. Attendee’s credential will be punched.
- 2nd Offense: 24-Hour Expulsion from the Exhibit Hall. Additional credential punch.
- 3rd Offense: Expulsion from the Exhibit Hall for the entire convention. 3rd credential punch.
Offenses are cumulative for the duration of the PASIC event. No refunds will be issued.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in permanent expulsion from the entire convention and possibly future Percussive Arts Society events. All decisions by PAS are final.
The above stated sound policy will be enforced and supported by the following measures:
- Sound monitors will be on duty in the exhibit hall during exhibition hours.
- Sound monitors will be clearly identifiable with uniform clothing.
- Announcements in regard to the sound policy will be broadcast over the public address system in the exhibit hall at regular intervals.
- Signage will be posted throughout the Expo Hall to remind both attendees and exhibitors of the policy.
It is the intention of the Percussive Arts Society to find a balance with all exhibitors to allow the best possible experience for the largest amount of attendees. With everyone’s cooperation we can enjoy an environment that is acceptable for all and does not require punitive action by the Society against its members, either corporate or individual. Thank you for your support and effort to make PASIC another success.
No. Active PAS members (Individual and Group members) receive significantly discounted pricing for 4-Day and 1-Day passes, which include access to all concerts, clinics, master classes, labs, workshops, panels, presentations, performances, and the expo hall.*
Those who wish to participate as part of the various PASIC competitions and experiences (I&E, mock audition, masterclasses, etc.) will require PAS membership.
Tickets for individual sessions and concerts are available for purchase, along with entrance to the International Drum and Percussion Expo, and membership is NOT required for those individual purchases.
*The PASIC Awards Banquet is a separately ticketed event, and requires purchase apart from your PASIC registration.
You can register online, mail in the registration form, or call the PAS office at 317-974-4488. You can also register onsite. The earlier in the year you register, the larger the discount on registration fees.
If you pre-register for the event, we accept personal checks, business checks, school P.O.s and credit card (VISA, MC, AMEX, DISC). If you are registering onsite, only cash and credit cards will be accepted.
No. While pre-registering will save you time and money, you do have the option of registering onsite. You can register at the PASIC registration desk in Indianapolis beginning at 5pm on the first Wednesday of the event.
Refunds are available up through October 30, with a cancellation fee of $50. There are NO refunds for cancellations that occur after October 30 (this includes individuals who are offered badges from exhibitors). If you wish to cancel your registration, please call the PAS office at 317-974-4488 or email membership@pas.org.
Yes. Professional Development Credit Log hour sheets will be made available prior to PASIC.
All sessions may be considered for professional development credit. Individual state requirements may vary.
If you misplace your badge, you will need to get a replacement from the registration desk. There is a $100 fee to replace a missing 4-day badge, and $50 to replace a 1-day badge.
Over 6,300 people attended PASIC in 2024.
While you are welcome to take pictures (no flash please), video and audio recordings are NOT allowed in any performance/clinic/meeting. A special media badge is required for those types of recordings, and PAS reserves the right to stop and remove any individuals who ignore this policy.
Yes. PAS committee meetings are a great way to be involved as a PAS member. All committee meetings are open to any registered PAS member that wants to attend.
If you are an active member of PAS, the Logistics Team allows you to help out at PASIC, receive a free t-shirt, attend for free, and have the chance to win prizes at the end of the convention. For more information on the Logistics Team click here.
Those who aren’t members of PAS are encouraged to join our Volunteers Crew. These individuals will also receive a free t-shirt, along with free admission to PASIC.
While the dates for each year’s PASIC are usually available a few years ahead of the event, the lineup of concerts and clinics is posted in late August. However, the schedule is always subject to change. Be sure to download the Guidebook app for the most up-to-date scheduling info. There will also be a schedule available in the PASIC program and on the PASIC website.
The location of all the events and meetings varies from year to year, depending on the city where PASIC is being held. Details on which rooms the various clinics, concerts, competitions, and meetings will be held in are available in the PASIC Guidebook app, the PASIC Program, and the PASIC grids. PASIC is scheduled to take place in Indianapolis, Indiana, at the Indiana Convention Center through 2028.
Again, this answer varies on which city PASIC is being held in, but PAS always make an effort to make sure there is a good quantity of hotels within a short distance to the convention center. Shuttles to and from those hotels to the airport are also a strong consideration of ours. For more detailed travel information on this year’s PASIC visit our Travel Information and City Guide section.
Yes. There are several hotels offering discounts for PASIC attendees through MCI, the official PASIC Housing Bureau. PASIC 2025 hotel information will be available in May.
To avoid being charged a no-show fee from the hotel, you must cancel your reservation prior to the cancellation policy stated on your hotel confirmation.