Join a Committee
If you would like to learn more about a committee’s activities, click on a committee listed below, or contact the chair of the committee via email. If you are interested in committee service and want to view how committees are structured and operate, you may view the Committee Chairs’ Handbook. To serve on a PAS committee, candidates will electronically submit the PAS Committee Application within the application window, which is April 1 to April 30. A detailed timeline for the selection process can be found below.
PAS has 16 standing committees that address specific areas of percussion performance, research, education, pedagogy and the percussion community. PAS committees play an essential role in advancing percussion through the development and dissemination of the latest information, research and initiatives.
If you are interested in serving on a committee, submit application materials using the “Apply Now” button once the application window has become available. Please note: you must be an active PAS Member to serve on a committee.
Active PAS Committees
Chair: Jamie Whitmarsh (Since 2025)
Mathew Campbell, Benjamin Charles, Von Hansen, Benjamin Holmes, Olivia Kieffer, Daniel Krumm, John Lane, Jesus Martinez, Mark McCafferty, Paul Millette, Louis Raymond-Kolker, Nathan Smith
Percussive Notes Editor, Composition: Josh Gottry
*Non-voting member
Charge: The Composition Committee contributes original compositions to Rhythm! Scene, and promotes the creation of new works and education for percussion composition.
Guidelines for Membership: Each Committee member should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASIC committee meetings within each three-year membership term. Members are expected to assist in the selection of judges for annual contests and contribute regularly to Committee business communication via e-mail and are encouraged to serve in other capacities in service to the Committee, as able (i.e. judge coordinator, reviews of winning compositions, judge for contest, creation of composition topic articles for PN, submission of composition topic sessions for PASIC, etc.).
Chair: Mark Powers (since 2022)
Michael Bahan, Tim Baltes, Colleen Clark, Nick Costa, Mike Dawson, Christian Dorn, Scotti Iman, Sean J. Kennedy, Kevin Lehman, Kevin Murphy, Yemi Oyediran, Michael Packer, Murray Piper, Jim Royle, Glenn Schaft, David Stark, Rich Stitzel, Keio Stroud, John Sturino, Timothy Thompson, Migdalia Van Der Hoven, Darren Williams
Immediate Past Chair: Eric C. Hughes
Advisory: Joe Bergamini, Greg Crane, Jason Edwards, Eric Gross, Sarah Hagan, Bruce Jacoby, Roger Johnson, Tim Shahady, Chris Stankee, David Stanoch, Brian Stockard, Juels Thomas
*Non-voting members
Percussive Notes Editor, Drum Set: Dr. Colleen Clark
Charge: The Drum Set Committee makes recommendations for the various drum set clinics and masterclasses for PASIC, through sub-committee and committee chair on-line evaluation. Another committee initiative is to conduct film interviews with historically significant drummers around the country (Oral History Project) for the PAS archives, to serve as a source for future generations to use as a research tool, or for general interest.
Guidelines for Membership: Each committee member will attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASIC committee meetings within each three-year membership term. In addition, members are to maintain a reasonable line of communication with regards to committee business (prompt reply to emails and other forms of communication). Members are required to participate annually in the PASIC application review process, and assist with other committee projects (i.e. Oral History Project) and sub-committees.
Chair: Oliver Molina (since January 2020)
Jeffrey Barudin, Tim Broscious, Scott Brown, Robert Clayson, Michael Crawford, Chris Dandeles, Taylor Davis, Mark DeMull, Teddy Hall, Michael Hamm, Lee Hinkle, Eric C. Hughes, Emma Kieselhorst, Matthew Kilby, Karl Latham, Ryan Lewis, Bernard Long, Bradley Meyer, Aaron Ragsdale, Andrew Richardson, Isabella Scotti, Austin Shoupe, Denton Sutherlin, Kevin von Kampen, Riley Warren, Lindsay Whelan, Christopher Wilson, John Wooton
Percussive Notes Editor, Education: Aaron Smith
*Non-voting member
Charge: The Education Committee conducts research and explores practical and philosophical materials such as workshops, articles, resources, networking, and stimulating discussions to assist music educators in the comprehensive education of their students.
Guidelines for Membership: Each Committee member should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASIC committee meetings within each three-year membership term, contribute to the mission of PAS and the Education Committee through Committee work, develop practical and philosophical materials to assist both music educators and percussion instructors in the education of their students, serve on subcommittees and accept Committee assignments as directed by the Chair, participate in the PASIC Selection Process by reviewing online applications and recommending artists and sessions, maintain active PAS membership and attend Committee meetings at PASIC, attend and/or assist with FUNdamentals clinics and Education Committee panel discussions at PASIC, respond to Committee email communication in a timely manner, regularly participate in forums and e-Groups on PAS website, write and submit education articles for Percussive Notes.
Chair: Hannah Weaver (since January 2023)
Ryan Bond, Jenna Boone, Brandon Dittgen, Matthew Halligan, Nathaniel Holman, Christian Swafford, Tyler Tolles, James Vilseck, Amanda Watson, Max Young, Pete Zambito
Percussive Notes Editor, Health & Wellness: Dr. Stephen Workman
*Non-voting member
Charge: The Health and Wellness Committee addresses topics and issues relating to the health and wellness of percussionists. This includes the promotion, development, and organization of materials for publication, injury prevention workshops, and panels held at PASIC, as well as the coordination of hearing tests for attendees of the convention.
Guidelines for Membership: Committee members should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASICs within each membership term. In addition, members are to maintain a reasonable line of communication with regards to committee business (returning emails, volunteering for PASIC session application review, providing input for committee membership applications, attending PASIC committee meeting, attending /assisting with PASIC Health and Wellness sessions).
Co-Chairs: Arianna Monge (since 2025)
Sandra Gruber, Gary Huber, Jeremy Kirk, Yeshima Lewis, Eric Swanson, Tom Teasley
Advisory: Michael Pratt, Jim Greiner, Richard Farvour, John Fitzgerald
*Non-voting members
Percussive Notes Editor, Interactive Drumming: Robert Damm
Charge: The Interactive Drumming Committee promotes the highest expression of the art of facilitation through educational resources and programming for the purposes of enhancing the well-being of all populations through facilitated, rhythm-based experiences.
Guidelines for Membership: Each Committee member should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASICs within each membership term. In addition, members are to maintain a reasonable line of Communication with regards to Committee business.
IDC Members
1) Respond to all emails, offer opinions, suggestions and generally participate in discussions, whether by email, in person or online (polls, surveys).
2) Be involved in at least one IDC initiative; articles, projects, planning, etc.. per year. This would include chairing a sub-committee, being a collaborator, or organizing a collaboration, and of course could mean doing all the work on an article or project and delivering it yourself.
3) After making a commitment, follow it through to completion.
IDC Advisory Members
1) Respond to all emails, offer opinions, suggestions and generally participate in discussions, whether by email, in person or online (polls, surveys).
2) After making a commitment, follow it through to completion.
*The International Committee consists of Chapter Presidents from outside the U.S., but will accept applications from those who would like to represent international regions or countries.
Chair: Piotr Sutt (interim as of 2023)
Fabio Augustinis, WanNing Chen, Shawn Mativetsky, Laurence Reese, Carlo Salvaterra, Xin Yin
Percussive Notes Editor, World: Dr. Shane Jones
*Non-voting member
Charge: The International Committee supports the growth of the Percussive Arts Society outside of the United States by sharing PAS’s vision, promoting international membership, and cultivating collaborative endeavours.
Guidelines for Membership: Active participation in discussions including regular response to emails, PASIC attendance not required (but strongly encouraged) due to logistics of international travel, work on subcommittees when assigned. Respond to all emails, offer opinions, suggestions and generally participate in discussions, whether by email, in person or online (polls, surveys).
Chair: Thomas Burritt (since 2025)
Juan Alamo, Michael Compitello, Greg Giannascoli, Richard Grimes, Gifford Howarth, Ryan Kilgore, Ksenija Komljenovic, Matthew Lau, Payton MacDonald, Marco Schirripa, Drew Tucker, Alex Wier, Nancy Zeltsman
Percussive Notes Editor, Keyboard: Gloria Yehilevsky & Nancy Zeltsman
*Non-voting members
Charge: The Keyboard Committee promotes, organizes, and recommends the various keyboard clinics, masterclasses, and panel discussions for each PASIC.
Guidelines for Membership: Committee members should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASICs within each membership term. Additional expectations include: attending PASIC committee meeting at the aforementioned PASICs, preparing for the meeting as per advanced agenda, and bringing in initiatives and ideas that would benefit the Society and further the KC’s mission; responding to emails and communication in a timely manner; carefully reviewing, ranking, and commenting on PASIC applications; recruiting new members for the committee when appropriate; assisting with panelist selection and facilitation; attending/assisting keyboard panel discussions and other KC-supported events at PASIC; serving on sub-committees and furthering projects undertaken by the KC.
Chair: Sean Womack (since January 2020)
Chris Cooper, Cory Doran, Neal Flum, Tommy Goddard, Virgil Goodwine, David Grimsley, Genevieve Hilburn, Leonard Horne III, Justin Johnson, Dominique Lousteau, Jeremy Maytum, Chard Murray, Luis Rivera, Tyler Sammons, Terry Sanders, Webb Sheely, Shelby Shelton, Brian Stockard, Lane Summerlin, Russell Wharton
Percussive Notes Editor, Marching/Rudimental: Kyle Forsthoff
*Non-voting member
Charge: To bridge contemporary and traditional styles in marching percussion and serve as a resource for students, teachers, arrangers, performers, and aficionados. The committee hosts the PASIC Individual and Ensemble competition, and provides clinics, concerts, panel discussions, and interactive experiences at PASIC.
Guidelines for Membership: Each committee member should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASIC Committee meetings within each three-year membership term unless excused by Committee Chair for extenuating circumstances (i.e., presenting a clinic, attending Board of Directors meeting, etc.). Each year of membership during a three-year term, a member must submit an article to the Percussive Notes marching percussion editor. The article need not be production ready and can in fact be in draft form. Each member must volunteer annually for the I&E Competition at PASIC as an adjudicator, or in helping to administrate the festival, unless excused by Committee Chair for extenuating circumstances. Committee members should strive to positively contribute to marching percussion as an educator, performer, and/or adjudicator.
Chair: Matt Jordan (since 2025)
Charles Brooks, Chris Butler, Wil Cameron, Adam Davis, Kellen King, Colin Malloy, Jose Martinez, Jordan Walsh, Rosa Westfall, Bri Wiegand
Percussive Notes Editor, Music Technology: Dr. Kurt Gartner
*Non-voting member
Charge: The Music Technology Committee is comprised of subcommittees that address areas of outreach, “hands-on” technology labs, listening lab, and publications with respective subcommittee chairs who work with the MTC Chair to develop publications and PASIC presentations as well as conduct reviews of products and other related materials.
Guidelines for Membership: Members should (a) attend in full at least two out of the three PASIC committee meetings during their term on the committee (exceptions to be negotiated based on other conflicting PAS obligations), (b) be available to review PASIC proposals for two of the three review cycles during their term, (c) be responsive to emails in a timely manner, (d) maintain and contribute to at least one committee-directed project throughout the year, to be determined in consultation with the chair. These projects will include 2-5 committee members, and are designed to ensure that the committee remains focused on key projects of high value to the committee as a whole. Members should be prepared to update the committee on the status of their project at the annual PASIC meeting (members working in teams should be prepared to update their project leaders prior to the committee meeting, but be ready to discuss their projects with the committee as a whole).
Chair: Joseph Van Hassel (since 2021)
Logan Ball, Louise Devenish, Dustin Donahue, Alexandros Fragiskatos, Malavika Godbole, Sean Hamilton, Lucas Helker, Cory Hills, Michael Jones, Fabio Oliveira, Reed Puleo, Isaac Pyatt, Elizabeth Soflin, Chris Thompson, Karlyn Viña
Percussive Notes Editor, New Music/Research: Dr. James Strain
*Non-voting member
Charge: The New Music/Research Committee oversees an annually-themed series of PASIC events focused on experimental and avant-garde music for percussion. Through performance and research, the NM/R Committee highlights the works, ideas, and traditions that shape our contemporary art form.
Application: The Chair will electronically forward the new candidates application materials to all current committee members for their review, and the committee members will be directed to review the application materials during the official application review period, which is May 1st to May 31st. During this period, the committee members will be invited to advocate for and discuss in detail the specific applicants via e-mail correspondence with the other current committee members and the Chair. Before the end of the review period (and if committee openings exist), the chair will call for a vote of the current members detailing their choice(s) for new membership, specific to the number of openings on the committee that specific year. The Chair will notify the PAS 2nd Vice President of final selections by June 1st, and all applicants of the final selection results by July 1st. Although no formal criteria exists for application, it is expected that a potential NM/R Committee member will have interest and experience in the composition, performance, scholarship and/or promotion of new music within the Percussive Arts Society, and will be able to meet all expected requirements of PAS committee participation. Additionally, The New Music/Research Committee invites and welcomes potential candidates to attend and participate in NM/R Committee meetings at PASIC prior to their application for committee membership.
Guidelines for Membership: Each committee member should attend and participate in at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASIC Committee meetings within each membership term. All members are expected to participate in the Focus Day theme selection process, to participate in Focus Day planning and presentation as needed, including assisting with logistics for Focus Day concerts, rehearsals, and set-transitions, and are encouraged to nominate themselves to be Focus Day hosts (or Co-Hosts) during their term on the Committee. Committee members who are not interested in becoming Focus Day Hosts are encouraged to serve the Committee in other supportive capacities, such as serving on sub-committees and/or accepting other appropriate Committee assignments as directed by the Chair. All members are expected to maintain a reasonable line of communication with regard to committee business and are expected to participate in the new membership review process.
Co-Chairs: Andrew Eldridge and Dave Hall (since January 2023)
Ben Cordell, Edward Dunlap, Abby Fisher, Matthew Geiger, Thom Hasenpflug, Michael Kozakis, Mike Lynch, Chris Nadeau, Stephen Primatic, Zac Robason, Akira Robles, Matthew Rush, Joseph Spearman, Brian Teed, Craig Turner, Conner Viets, Tracy Wiggins
Percussive Notes Editor, Professional Development: Dr. Dan Piccolo
*Non-voting member
Charge: The Percussion Ensemble Committee organizes and presides over the International Percussion Ensemble Competition, the New Literature Session, and the Concert Chamber Percussion Ensemble Competition at each PASIC. Additionally, it searches for ways to enhance, improve, and promote the percussion ensemble art form.
Guidelines for Membership: Each Committee member should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASICs within each membership term. In addition, members are to maintain a reasonable line of communication with regards to committee business, and be willing to assist with the various tasks associated with the Percussion Ensemble Committee.
Chair: Sean Millman (since 2022)
Ross Aftel, Virginia Davis, Marc Dicciani, Troy Hall, Quintin Mallette, Marcia McCants, Haley Nutt, Cameron Siegal, Brian Smith, Gareth Smith, Brady Spitz, Yudong Wang
Percussive Notes Editor, Scholarly Research: Dr. Lisa Rogers
*Non-voting member
Charge: The Scholarly Research Committee promotes, advances, and supports scholarly research in all areas of percussion.
Guidelines for Membership: Each committee member should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASICs within each membership term. Committee members are required to contribute to activities including reviewing proposals for scholarly papers/posters for presentation at PASIC, reviewing submissions for the Online Research Journal, soliciting scholars to contribute research to PASIC and/or the Online Research Journal, and participating in Committee business via email correspondence.
Chair: Doug Howard (since 2025)
Joakim Anterot, Lider Chang, Frank Epstein, Jason Ginter, Gregory Goodall, George Nickson, Laura Noah, Brian Prechtl, Lucas Sanchez, David Valdés, Djati Wibowo, Earl Yowell
Percussive Notes Editor, Symphonic: Michael Rosen
*Non-voting member
Charge: The Symphonic Committee serves the percussion and musical community by promoting, supporting, and endorsing symphonic-related activities through master classes, labs, clinics, and panel discussions at PASIC. The Symphonic Committee provides motivation, encouragement, and symphonic percussion awareness by means of scholarship, education, and performance.
Guidelines for Membership: Each committee member should attend and participate in at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASIC committee meetings within each 3-year membership term. All members are expected to participate in the PASIC selection process and Mock Audition/Lab Subcommittees, as well as adjudication (as needed). All members are expected to maintain a reasonable line of communication with regard to Committee business.
Chair: Mike Sammons (since January 2021)
Jillian Baxter, John Bingaman, Timothy Feerst, Dave Gerhart, Adam Groh, Tyree Hastings, Cory High, Michelle Humphreys, Justin Preece, Emily Salgado, Andy P. Smith, Annie Stevens, Thomas Taylor, Ben Tomlinson, Andrew Veit, Chris Whyte
Percussive Notes Editor, University Pedagogy: Aaron Smith
*Non-voting member
Charge: The University Pedagogy Committee promotes and enhances the exploration, improvement, elevation, and facilitation of the craft of percussion at every level of college teaching.
Guidelines for Membership: Each Committee member should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASIC committee meetings within each three-year membership term. Active participation in and contribution to committee events throughout the year and at PASIC, including sub-committees or projects deemed necessary by the Committee.
Chair: Charlie Daugherty (since August 2024)
Committee Members: Cameron Bright, Tyler Golding, Christopher Harris, Izabel Holland, Christopher Mayhew, Sean McWilliams, Cadence Miller, Chloe Spencer, Shannon Witkouski, John Wolff
Delegates: Chris Mayhew, Izzie Holland, Kent Bryan Capistrino, Ashley Nelson, Marwin Oliveros, Isabelle Thomas, Emily Heller, Cameron Bright, Julian Garcia, Alex Braud, Julia Tabije, Carlos Ibarra, Patrick Roche
Charge: The University Student Committee enables the next generation of percussion leaders to develop professional skills while contributing to the future growth of PAS.
Application: All candidates for committee membership will electronically submit an application consisting of a Letter of Recommendation from their University Percussion Professor and a written essay about why they would like to join the University Student Committee (500-750 words).
Eligibility for Membership: University Student Committee members are required to be enrolled in a university Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral Degree percussion program and must be an active member of PAS. In addition, each member is expected to participate in committee meetings and contribute to any committee business throughout the year.
To learn more and apply, please visit the University Student Committee page.
Chair: Mark Stone (since January 2020)
Justin Alexander, Miguel Castro, Laura Cohen, Patrick Fitzgibbon, Ricardo Flores, Damon Grant, Colleen Haas, Paul Hayes, Zachary Himelhoch, Rohan Krishnamurthy, Shawn Mativetsky, Michael Mixtacki, Tusa Montes, Linda Rose, Marcus Santos, Nathan Siegel, Alex Smith, Poovalur Sriji, Kay Stonefelt, Michael Taylor, Liam Teague, Saturnino Tiamson, Michael Vercelli, Derek Zimmerman
Percussive Notes Editor, World Percussion: Dr. Shane Jones
*Non-voting member
Charge: The World Percussion Committee makes recommendations for the various contemporary and traditional world percussion events at PASIC. Committee members also contribute to Percussive Notes, Rhythm! Scene, and Rhythm! Discovery Center to help expand cultural diversity, musicianship, and understanding of world percussion.
Application: The applicant will be contacted by the Chair for a phone interview during the official application review period, which is May 1st through May 31st. During this interview, the applicant should be prepared to discuss current activities as a performer and/or educator, non-Western areas of expertise (aka Ewe drumming, Javanese gamelan, etc.), as well as ways s/he would be interested in contributing to the Committee’s activity. Based on the documentation submitted, the interview, and the need of the Committee to represent as wide a swath of world music specialties as possible, the chair will make a determination as to the applicant’s Committee membership and will notify all applicants of the final selection results by July 1st. Current Committee members may be contacted by the Chair as needed for input on an individual’s membership application.
Guidelines for Membership: Each committee member should attend at least two (2) out of the three (3) PASICs within each membership term. Members will be expected to serve on either a PASIC review committee and/or World Percussion Ensemble Competition judging panel when requested by the Chair, which will typically entail one to two services per three-year term. Exceptions will be taken on a case-by-case basis, but failure to serve on at least one review committee or judging panel per three-year term will result in removal from the Committee. In addition, members are to maintain a reasonable line of communication with regards to Committee business.
PAS Committee Membership Timeline & Guidelines
- March 15 – March 31
Committee Chairs will check with current committee members to see if all eligible members want to remain on the committee. The Chairs will then determine the number of openings and send this information to the PAS office for posting/advertising. - April 1 – April 30
Open window for applications. All candidates for committee membership will electronically submit the PAS Committee Application. - May 1 – May 31
Applications are reviewed through the process specific to each committee. Finalized lists with changes should be sent to the Second Vice President by May 31. Any edits to the committee description, selection process, or number of members needed may be changed during this time and should be sent to the PAS Office and the Second Vice President. - June 1 – June 30
The Second Vice President will review applicants that may have been selected to more than one committee. Final selections for all committees will be made and all membership re-verified. - July 1
All applicants will be notified no later than July 1.
How to Apply to Chair a Committee
If you would like to apply for a chair position for one of these PAS committees, please electronically submit the PAS Committee Chair Application within the application window.
Application Deadline: July 31, 2024
Application Process
- You must be an active PAS Member.
- Read the Committee Charge Statement and Application/Guidelines for the Committee you are interested in.
- View the Committee Chairs’ Handbook to see how committees are structured and operate.
- Contact the current Committee Chair if you have questions.
- Electronically submit the PAS Committee Chair Application.
Chairperson Selection Process
After the application deadline has passed, all applicants’ materials will be reviewed by the PAS President and Second Vice President with possible counsel from additional members of the Executive Committee. Interviews will be conducted with each qualified applicant to gather any additional information needed. After all interviews and information gathering is completed, the President will appoint the new Chair, or reappoint an incumbent, and inform members of the respective Committee. New Chairs will be announced by September 30, allowing a minimum of three months (and one PASIC) for mentoring and transition from the previous Chair.
PAS Committee Chairs serve a term of three years with a maximum length of service as Chair of two terms, or six years. Committee members are appointed by the Chair and they serve a three-year term renewable at the discretion of the Chair. PAS Committee Chairs provide collaborative leadership to seventeen standing PAS Committees. Being a Committee Chair is an opportunity to serve PAS and work with diverse colleagues from around the world on many projects and provide invaluable input to PAS and the profession.
More Information:
Phone: (317) 974-4488
Fax: (317) 974-4499