Percussive Notes Online Research Edition
Percussive Notes Online Research Edition is a peer-reviewed, online publication that aims to promote advanced research and expand academic perspectives on topics in percussion relating to areas including, but not limited to, historical musicology, critical theory, aesthetics, musical analysis, performance practice, interdisciplinary studies, ethnomusicology, and interviews.
Vol. 2, No. 1 – April 2024

✎ Handedness: Are Drummers Right-handed or Left-handed? They’re Neither and Both!
✎ Comparison of Online and in Person Group Drumming as a Medium to Support Social and Emotional Learning of University Students
✎ Feedback Loops Between Drummers and Tap Dancers: Papa Jo Jones
✎ Shifting the Paradigm: challenging conventions of classical percussion performance and presentation. Music has the irresistible power to strike at our head and heart
✎ Shaky Hands and Cold Feet: Analyzing Disability in Body Works
✎ Amadeo Roldán’s Ritmicas V and VI (1930) and Edgard Varèse’s Ionisation (1931): Issues of Low and High Art in the Pan-American Modernist Era of the Percussion Ensemble
Vol. 1, No. 1 – December 2016
✎ Forgotten Percussion Works: Johanna Magdalena Beyer
✎ Real-Time Chance Operations: A Technologically Modern Approach to John Cage’s 27’10.554” for a Percussionist
✎ New Musical Contexts for More Sustainably-Made Marimbas
✎ (S)HE is a Drummer: Feminism and Gender Discourse in the Modern Drumset Profession
✎ American Pannist: Ellie Mannette and the Development of Steelpan in the United States
✎ Cognitive Principles for Teaching the Marching Percussion Ensemble
Guidelines for Submission
The Editorial Board will accept submissions for papers that address topics relating to scholarly areas including, but not limited to, historical musicology, critical theory, aesthetics, musical analysis, performance practice, interdisciplinary studies, ethnomusicology, and interviews. Submissions must have a primary focus on percussion music, performance, or instruments in order to be considered.
• Essays should be of a broader scope than those published in Percussive Notes and must make substantial and original contributions to the existing literature of their subject areas. A word count of at least 5,000 words (excluding notes and references) is suggested; however, the Editorial Board also welcomes submissions in creative formats that instead substantiate advanced perspectives by innovative means (e.g. graphics, multi-media, etc.).
• Authors are invited to explore the benefits that electronic publication provides in the presentation of research, and supplementary media, such as audio or visual examples, are encouraged when applicable; however, the author must supply source material that is able to be embedded in a PDF file—internet links are not acceptable. It is the responsibility of the author to secure all rights for the use of borrowed materials.
• Though exceptions may be made in rare circumstances, submissions should not be previously published. Adaptations of theses/dissertations are acceptable; however, unrevised academic documents will not be considered and should instead be submitted to the PAS Online Thesis/Dissertation Repository.
• Essays should be formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style. For detailed instructions on the preferred formatting for papers, click here.
• Submissions will be blind-reviewed by a subcommittee of the PAS Scholarly Research Committee and outside referees. Please do not include any indicators in the essay that may compromise the anonymity of the author. The committee will not review submissions currently under consideration by other journals or publishers. To submit an essay for consideration, send a Microsoft Word file of the essay, a 200-300 word abstract, and any media to be included to Gareth Smith at
General Submission Inquiries
Gareth Smith, PNORE Editor