Percussion Group Cincinnati

Percussion Group Cincinnati

by Lauren Vogel Weiss Chamber music is defined as a small ensemble, usually one player per part, with the members themselves serving as artistic directors. These conductor-less groups have been around for centuries, usually as string quartets, woodwind trios, or brass quintets. But during the mid-20th century, a new form of chamber music began to…

Zeferino Nandayapa

Zeferino Nandayapa

by Rick Mattingly Javier Nandayapa remembers a time in 1989 when Marimba Nandayapa was scheduled to play a concert at a police department building in Mexico City. There were five musicians in Marimba Nandayapa; there were three people in the audience. Javier, who had just started playing with the group, was angry that the concert…

Bobby Hutcherson

Bobby Hutcherson

by Rick Mattingly Bobby Hutcherson’s career didn’t get off to a very promising start. Although he hadn’t been playing very long, he and a friend who played bass entered a music contest. His friend marked the bars on Hutcherson’s vibraphone with a marker so he would know what notes to play. But, as Hutcherson told…

Andy Narell

Andy Narell

by Lauren Vogel Weiss From jazz to calypso, steel band, and world music, Andy Narell has made the steel pan his life’s calling. As a performer, composer, and educator, he brings the music of the pan to people all over the world. I was very moved,” he says about receiving the news that he was…