Written for the UNC–Pembroke Percussion Ensemble, “Tuned Resonance” is scored for seven performers with tuned sleighbells. The hand-written score provides a range of time for each performer to sound specific pitches. The piece lasts five minutes and consists entirely of rolled sleighbells. The written pitches needed are: C 4, D-flat 4, E-flat 4, F-sharp 4, G 4, A-flat 4, B-flat 4, C 5, D-flat 5, E-flat 5, F-sharp 5, G 5, and B-flat 5, with the understanding that the resulting sound will be two octaves higher. Performers are not located on stage, but instead within the audience, backstage, and/or on the balcony. Lighting (preferably blue) is requested by the composer. This work certainly occupies a unique sound-world, as there are not many works for sleighbell choir. Performers who can acquire the specific equipment needed will find the work a pleasant palette-cleanse within a world of rhythmic intensity.
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