ABOUT Reed Puleo

American percussionist Reed Puleo dedicates himself to performing contemporary classics and the music of today in solo and collaborative settings. He has performed extensively across the US and Europe at the Grafenegg Festival, impuls Graz, TROMP International Percussion Competition, Darmstadt Summer Course, Lucerne Festival, Stadtcasino Basel, Mass MOCA, Caramoor Festival, Celebrity Series of Boston, National Sawdust, Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ, Musikverein Wien, and Wiener Konzerthaus, with groups like Talea Ensemble, Mantra Percussion, Klangforum Wien, Lucerne Festival Contemporary Orchestra, and the Nieuw Ensemble. He has also worked with leading composers Helmut Lachenmann, Beat Furrer, Rebecca Saunders, Michael Gordon, Katherine Young, and Luis Fernando Amaya. Reed recently returned from Graz, Austria where he was a Fulbright Scholarship recipient. He studied at Boston Conservatory at Berklee, the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, and University of Michigan.

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