ABOUT Max Young

Constantly tapping on everything possible, Max was taken to a therapist at the age of 6. His therapist asked his parents, “have you considered purchasing your son a drum?” 29 years later, the tapping has only gotten louder. From Penn State jazz ensemble, to touring the country in a prog-rock/jazz fusion group, Max was racking up his experience on kit until landing in Australia. It was there Max began studying djembe, taiko, and various other world percussion instruments before getting an opportunity to facilitate group sessions and combine group drumming with his love of meditation and education in behavioral neuroscience. Two years later, Max returned to America. Despite working full time as an HR director, Max found a way to launch his company, RhythmetriX. RhythmetriX combines music with movement and mindfulness to rewire the brain and regulate the nerves through unique modalities of group drumming. Originating in Philadelphia before expanding to Denver, RhythmetriX serves a wide variety of industries and communities all across America with the singular goal of showing people that every human being on the planet not only has rhythm, but can harness that rhythm to greatly enhance their mental health and overall wellbeing. Now endorsed by REMO and studying under industry giants like Arthur Hull and Dr. Barry Bittman, Max has dedicated his life to showing the world that drumming can be more potent than any prescription pill on the market. Curious how drums can get you out of your head and teach you how to pay attention to the present moment — on purpose? Come experience Max’s signature Rhythmic Mindfulness session!