Albert Benzler
- Albert Benzler
Albert Benzler was with the Edison company between April 28, 1904 and April 16, 1908. One of their most versatile studio artists, Benzler played orchestra bells, chimes, xylophone, piano, organ and occasionally helped out in the Edison Orchestra on violin. He usually had standard selections prepared to fill in should an artist not appear or be in poor voice. Benzler’s records were usually good sellers and could always be used to fill out a supplement.
During his time at Edison, Benzler made thirty-four solo recordings on bells and twenty-five on xylophone. He also re-recorded for Edison some of the popular titles originally performed by J. Frank Hopkins before 1904. Shortly after his arrival at Edison, Benzler made two recordings of bells and chimes duets with Henry Nesbit (including A Summer Dream #8956, recorded in April 1905). The only other xylophonist to appear in the Edison catalog during Benzler’s stay was Frederick W. Hager, who made one recording with Benzler of the xylophone and bells duet Blue Bell #8829, recorded at the end of 1904.
Benzler resigned from Edison to become music director for the new U.S. Phonograph Company that began producing two-minute celluloid records in 1908. By 1909, they were selling four-minute celluloid records under the Everlasting label. Benzler made ten xylophone solo and five bells solos on four-minute records. He also recorded a few piano numbers. He remained at U.S. Phonograph until 1913 when the business closed.
This information is taken from The New Amberola Graphic, No. 79 (January 1992): 4. See also William Cahn, The Xylophone in Acoustic Recordings. Photos courtesy James A. Strain