Corporate Members
The Percussive Arts Society has a unique and successful partnership with percussion product manufacturers, publishers, educational institutions and other music service organizations.
Through a Corporate Membership, these organizations support PAS and receive the benefits listed here. PAS Corporate Members generously support chapter events, percussion ensemble competitions and festivals, and other activities, including the Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC®). For more information on becoming a Corporate Member, please visit our Corporate Membership page.

Supporters ($500)
Adams Musical Instruments
Artesia Pro Inc.
Artifact Percussion
B.A.C. Music
Black Swamp Percussion
Calderwood Percussion Instruments
Centent Cymbals
Cincinnati Washboards Co.
Cooperman Company
Corps Design
DownBeat Magazine
Drum Chart Builder
DS Drum
Dynasty USA/Titan Field Frames
Edition Svitzer I/S
EMD Music Inc
Freer Percussion LLC
Native Tongue Percussion
Pacific Drums & Percussion
Pageantry Innovations
Percussion Source
Permus Publications
Persona Medical
RAWI Percussion Publications
RimRiser USA
Ron Vaughn Percussion
Row-Loff Productions
Rustic Percussion
Salyers Percussion
Schlagkraft – Mallets and More